Přídavné jméno + Předložka |
Příklad |
afraid of |
He is afraid of getting sick. |
capable of |
He is capable of commiting a cri. |
crazy about |
He is crazy about playing video games. |
excited about |
I am excited about going back to school. |
good at |
She is good at playing tennis. |
famous for |
She is famous for playing tennis. |
happy about |
He is happy about getting a job. |
interested in |
I am interested in doing business with you. |
proud of |
We are proud of winning the game. |
worried about |
He is worried about arriving late. |
Sloveso + Předložka |
Příklad |
accuse of |
They accused him of stealing money.. |
apologize for |
He apologized for coming late. |
believe in |
I believe in doing the right thing. |
complain about |
Why do people complain about paying tax? |
get used to |
She got used to living on her own. |
talk about |
.He was talking about working alone. |
think of |
She is thinking of going back to work. |
worth |
.At that price, it is worth buying. |
worry about |
.Don't worry about getting old. |
slovo předcházející infinitivu ve tvaru: to + sloveso |
Příklad |
the first |
He was the first to climb mount Everest. |
the second |
He was the second to finish the test. |
the last |
He was the last to see the mistake. |
happy |
I am happy to see you. |
glad |
I am glad to be here. |
lucky |
He was lucky not to get sick. |
agree |
We agreed to help them. |
arrange |
I arranged to come earlier. |
fail |
She failed to help me. |
what (tázací zájmeno) |
He didn't know what to do. |
where (tázací zájmeno) |
Can you tell me where to go? |
want/ would like |
I want to go home. I would like to go home.
(Chci jít domů.)
sloveso + předmět + infinitiv |
I want you to go home.
(Chci abys šel domů.)
I'll help my mom to do the shopping.
(Pomůžu mámš nakoupit.) |
věta s "it" v podmětu + přídavné jméno nebo podstatné jm. + infinitiv (další příklady) |
It's fun to get presents.
(Dostávat dárky je zábava.) |
gerund |
infinitiv |
She began talking. (Začala mluvit.) |
She began to talk. (Začala mluvit.) |
He continued eating. (Pokračoval v jídle.) |
He continued to eat. (Pokračoval v jídle.) |
I like shopping.
(Rád nakupuji.)
I like to shop. (Rád nakupuji - Am.)
I like to shop at 7am. (Br. Dávám přednost nakupování v 7 ráno.) |
I love swimming. (Miluji plavání.) |
I love to swim. (Miluji plavání.) |
I prefer snowboarding. (Dávám přenost snowboardu.) |
I prefer to snowboard. (Dávám přenost snowboardu.) |
Did she start painting? (Začal malovat?) |
Did she start to paint? (Začal malovat?) |
sloveso |
gerund |
infinitiv: (sloveso +osoba) |
advise |
They advise studying hard.
(Doporučují se učit.)
They advised us to study harder.
(Doporučili jí, aby se učila.)
allow |
The weather doesn't allow being outside.
(Počasí neumožňuje být venku.) |
She doesn't allow me to smoke in the house.
(Nedovolí mi doma kouřit.) |
keep |
She kept talking. (Nepřestávala mluvit = pořád mluvila.)
He kept the hostage to prevent the police from coming. (Zadržel rukojmí, aby zabránil policii přijít.) |
sloveso |
gerund |
infinitiv |
forget |
She forgot buying the tickets.
(Zapomněla, že ty lísky koupila.)
She forgot to buy the tickets.
(Zapomněla koupit lístky.)
hate |
He hates shopping.
(Nesnáší nakupování.) |
I hate to tell you, but...
(Nerada ti to říkám, ale...) |
regret |
I regret telling him the truth.
(Mrzí mě, že jsem mu řekla pravdu.)
I regret to tell you that your flight was cancelled. (S politováním Vám oznamuji, že Váš let byl zrušen.) |
remember |
I remember meeting her.
(Pamatuji se, že jsem se s ní setkal.)
I'll remember to meet her.
(Nezapomenu se sní setkat.)
stop |
He stopped smoking.
(Přestal kouřit.)
He stopped to smoke.
(Zastavil, aby si zakouřil.)
She tried snowboarding.
(Vyzkoušela jízdu na snowboardu.)
try + gerund (používáme když jsme něco vyzkoušeli, ale nelíbilo se nám to a nechcem to znovu dělat)
| She tried to lose weight.(but didn't succeed.)
(Pokusila se zhubnout, ale neuspěla.)
try + infinitiv (používáme když jsme něco vyzkoušeli, chceme to znovu dělat)